We build self-respect, community and independent voices for young people through the sharing of stories.
Our Key Principles:
· Every young person has a story to tell and the capacity to tell it.
· Collaboration and a deep connection with the stories of others is often the most powerful way to learn.
· Young people should be able to tell their stories in the way that they want them to be told.
The Need for Our Project
37% of the young people in Barking and Dagenham live in poverty.
Barking and Dagenham is the 9th most deprived local authority in the country.
Barking and Dagenham has the second highest rate of unemployment in London and the lowest entry rate into higher education.
30% of young people feel optimistic ‘rarely’ or ‘none of the time.’
In the current ‘exam culture’, schools have less time to explore the experiences and writing of young people.